
En 1891, à Prague, alors qu'ils visitent le Salon des Sciences et des Techniques, cinq garçons intrépides montent à bord d'un dirigeable et prennent les airs. Echappant à toutes les poursuites, ils survolent l'Europe et parviennent au-dessus de l'Océan. Une tempête détruit complètement le dirigeable, mais les garçons échouent heureusement sur une île inconnue... Ils y vivent comme Robinson, découvrent le repaire du légendaire Capitaine Nemo et affrontent une bande d'aventuriers. (texte officiel du distributeur)


Critiques (2)

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Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais A beautiful example of how Karel Zeman was a playful filmmaker, how through his characters, he returned to childhood, and thus offered the audience the opportunity to recreate their own childhoods. It’s a beautiful showcase of imagination, both the childlike and the cinematic, where oftentimes there are scenes that are absolutely unique and that could only be created by Zeman and no one else. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais The Stolen Airship may not be based on any specific Jules Verne novel, but it captures their spirit and perfectly evokes the atmosphere of romantic dreaminess and naive amazement at the possibilities of modern science and technology at the end of the 19th century. The film is a typical piece by Karel Zeman, full of artistically unique props and picturesque backgrounds. It features many humorous scenes, such as the siege of a house by tabloid journalists with questions like, "Why didn't you send your child to reform school?" and characters like the prosecutor who swiftly changes his stance according to the situation. The film includes anti-war motifs typical of Zeman's work, but it is primarily a tribute to the adventurous world of young boys. Overall impression: 90%. ()

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