
A Manhattan, Ollie Trinke était un publiciste branché qui avait tout pour être heureux jusqu'à la mort soudaine de sa femme. Seul avec un bébé sur les bras, Ollie craque. Congédié sans cérémonie, le voilà obligé de s'éloigner de New York et d'aller loger chez son père, dans la banlieue du New Jersey où il avait passé toute sa jeunesse. Désormais, il se contente d'assurer le quotidien, sacrifiant son temps et son énergie à un boulot ingrat et sans avenir. Seule consolation: sa petite fille, Gertie, qu'il adore et qui croit avoir déniché le paradis dans le New Jersey. Un jour, en louant pour la millième fois le film favori de la fillette, Ollie fait la connaissance de Maya. Belle, intelligente, et douée d'une forte personnalité, elle ne tarde pas à entrer dans sa vie et à l'inviter à un sérieux examen de conscience... (texte officiel du distributeur)


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Critiques (3)


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais From Kevin Smith, I expect (not necessarily) humor, but above all originality and charm. Jersey Girl is a departure from rebellious provocative comedies full of vulgar humor, anarchy, and incorrect characters with crazy dialogues. I don't mind that Jay and Silent Bob don't appear in the movie, and to be honest, I was getting tired of them. But what bothers me is Smith's departure from entertainment to cheap sentiment according to the most clichéd Hollywood recipes. A deceased mother, a lonely self-sacrificing father, a cute little girl - these motifs were already full of studio romances in the 1930s. It would not have been bad if Smith had used ironic exaggeration and distance to a greater extent, but he didn't succeed much despite a few funny moments, like the borrowing of the porn tape in the video store. Sometimes it's unbearably sweet and sometimes unbearably tearful. I didn't have a problem with Ben Affleck as a lightning rod for derogatory comments and jokes from movie fans, but Jennifer Lopez is just an awkward imitation of an actress and I consider that she left so soon to be one of the few bright moments. Overall impression: 40%. So far the weakest film for me by Kevin Smith. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais The script doesn’t offer anything new or groundbreaking, but the skillfully built atmosphere and great dialogues save everything. There are also a few scenes that can bring even the most self-doubting person to their knees while watching this cheerful and witty comedy. ()

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