
Le Docteur Sullivan Travis - "Dr T" pour les intimes - est le gynécologue favori des dames de la haute bourgeoisie de Dallas. Ses qualités humaines et professionnelles, sa discrétion et son élégance naturelle ont fidélisé une nombreuse clientèle. Son cabinet ne désemplit pas et le Dr T est perpétuellement débordé, malgré les efforts de son assistante Caroline, qui l'aime en secret. Dans la vie privée du Dr T jusque-là sans histoire, les choses se précipitent: sa femme Kate retombée en enfance doit être hospitalisée à une semaine du mariage de leur fille DeeDee ; sa belle-soeur Peggy, dopée au champagne et que son mari vient de quitter s'invite chez lui avec ses trois insupportables petites filles ; son autre fille, Connie, lui dévoile que Marilyn, la demoiselle d'honneur de Dee Dee, entretient une coupable liaison avec cette dernière. Pour fuir tous ces problèmes, le Dr T se réfugie dans son club de golf, où il rencontre Bree, une jeune et charmante professeur qui, pour un temps, lui fera oublier ses soucis. De grands changements s'annoncent pour Sullivan, des changements auxquels il ne s'attendait pas. (texte officiel du distributeur)


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anglais It seems, at least according to the current rating on FilmBooster, that the film is a big disaster and Altman has fallen into a hopeless creative crisis in his old age. This is confirmed by many disapproving comments. My impression is somewhat different, as I saw a decent 3-star movie. Altman's golden era of filmmaking falls in the 70s. Later on, he maintained his creative method of mosaic of human destinies and motifs with many supporting characters, but as he got older, his once lukewarm pace slowed down even more, while the film world around him significantly accelerated. In today's culture of quick clips, his films seem like a pure anachronism. Furthermore, Altman resembles a soccer player who, to the displeasure of the audience, slowly circles around the field, caresses the ball, and trains technique, forgetting that soccer is played for goals, and he doesn't even shoot on goal the whole match. But because he is in no hurry, it is enough to notice the changes in society that surpass the inertia of thinking. So while the media is still fighting for women's rights, society has become significantly feminized and it is usually well-placed ladies from higher social classes who wave the flag of women's rights the most. Successful gynecologist Dr. T. is surrounded by women, and even though he is a born diplomat gifted with above-average empathy and could be a renowned model of a loving husband, the female world overwhelms him more and more and eventually forces him into a humiliating escape. Altman is a good observer and individual scenes are characterized by subtle irony. Richard Gere in the main role has never been and will never be Dustin Hoffman, but he fits perfectly in the role of a polished gentleman. Overall impression: 65%. ()

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