
Cinq hommes et une femme qui ne se connaissent pas se rencontrent dans un entrepôt de la banlieue parisienne. Ces hommes de l'ombre sont d'anciens soldats de la guerre froide qui survivent en louant discrètement leurs services à des commanditaires anonymes. La jeune Irlandaise qui les a réunis manque d'experience. Leur mission est d'affronter une équipe adverse, solidement armée d'une douzaine d'hommes pour lui arracher une précieuse mallette dont ils ignorent le contenu. Une chose est claire : tous devront tuer pour mener à bien leur mission, certains y laisseront leur peau. (Mediawan)


Critiques (6)

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Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais A pretty good thriller that is sufficiently action-packed and has good characters, as well as a good plot. Robert De Niro once again shows that it doesn't matter what role is given to him, he completely masters it, immerses himself in it, and demonstrates that he always delivers an absolutely great performance. In some scenes, he is simply flawless. The array of well-known actors in "Ronin" helps quite a bit, because otherwise, for me, it is just good but not exceptional. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

français Une atmosphère élégante et délicatement nuancée des vieux polars européens, d'excellents acteurs et des poursuites en voiture parfaitement réalisées qui passent à côté d'un scénario routinier et ne résolvant rien. Dommage. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais The script a bit leaky, but otherwise a great crime movie. Great actors, De Niro maybe in his last, really good action role. I was also delighted to see Natascha McElhone. John Frankenheimer took care of the perfect atmosphere and flawless chases with the diligence he’s famed for and with great attention to detail. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais A great crime drama with elements of classic noir thrillers, which, apart from the performances, mainly benefits from a technically hugely compelling story. During the first 15 minutes, everything is set up and the main protagonists are introduced so that the relentless action ride can begin, which doesn't require much thought and yet manages to captivate with its perfectly elaborated and relentless premise. The car chases, in particular, have an incredible intensity and rightfully rank among the best ever filmed. But Frankenheimer clearly has everything under control, expertly dictating the appropriate pace and embellishing the excellent script with an apt atmosphere of suspense and betrayal that lurks literally at every turn. The imaginary crown in the form of De Niro's and Reno's performances, as well as Jan Tříska's smaller role, leaves me in no doubt that Ronin definitely deserves a full rating. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais Ronin isn't perfect, especially compared to its genre kinsman Heat. The dialogue is a little clunky and perhaps a little illogical in places. And yet the characters, and two scenes in particular, are ones I won't forget from this film. The first is the car raid on a cafe full of people. The second is the tackling over the railing at the Coliseum in Arles. ()