
Sur la petite île-pénitencier d'Ojeda, au large des côtes américaines, le gouverneur Mariano Vargas est assassiné par un opposant au régime lors de son discours à El Pao, capitale de l'île. C'est Ramón Vasquez, son assistant aux idées progressistes et amant de la femme du défunt, qui le remplace temporairement. La dictature envoie alors une équipe afin de s'assurer de la bonne application des règles par Vasquez. Le jeune idéaliste ne tarde pas à trouver en la personne d'Alejandro Gual, directeur de l'équipe d'inspection, un rempart de taille à ses aspirations politiques et amoureuses. (Pathé Films)


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anglais Originality and sophistication are expected from Luis Buñuel, so my review of this film, which is more avant-garde compared to its romantic storyline towards the mainstream, is somewhat sober, but I was, nevertheless, satisfied. Buñuel had a long history in Latin America and he knew the mentality of the local people and the essence of the functioning of the political system like the back of his hand, and it shows in the film. There is a piece of Buñuel himself, a piece of Marquez devoid of the overlay of magical realism, and a piece of good old Benito Traven. When I was in high school, I was very interested in the culture and history of Latin America, and I think this film captures the atmosphere of the regimes there in the 1950s quite well. The dramatic storyline is intense, and at the end of the film, the protagonist faces a difficult decision where none of the options are clear. Overall impression: 75%. ()