
Pelikán is retired. He spends his days peacefully by attending to his garden and fishing. Suddenly he sees coffins floating on the Danube, and from that point on his life is turned upside down again. Hee has been selected by the infinitely ambitious entrepreneur in the neighbourhood to be his tool for his grand political plans. His enemy, the peg-top factory owner, stars a counterattack also based on Pelikáns clean political record. Malvin, Pelikáns wife who ran away long ago, appears on the scene. The son of Comrade Virág forces Pelikán, who has to escape, to go underground. His only faithful employee, Hédike, helps him get free, but their pursuers catch up with him and throw him into the Danube. Count Gyula, his one time prison-mate, draws him out of the water. Once again nobody is concerned about the water-level of the Danube so Pelikan returns to the dam with heroic simplicity. (texte officiel du distributeur)



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