

Extrême Orient, 2071. Le domaine des dieux violents. Au début des années 2050, des formes de vie inconnues que l’on baptisa « Oracle Cells » commencèrent à dévorer tous les organismes sur Terre. Leur appétit insatiable et leur remarquable capacité d’adaptation en firent des créatures redoutables et terrifiantes qui furent surnommées « Aragami » - les dieux violents. Face à cet ennemi qui ne craint pas les armes conventionnelles, la civilisation urbaine humaine s’est effondrée et chaque jour qui passe la rapproche de l’extinction… Vingt ans plus tard, il reste cependant une lueur d’espoir pour les êtres humains : les « God Arc », des armes vivantes qui incorporent en elles les « Oracle cells », et leurs détenteurs qui forment une troupe d’élite. Dans ce monde ravagé par des dieux violents, ces « God Eaters » doivent mener un combat désespéré pour la survie du genre humain... (ADN)


Critiques (1)

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anglais Most aspects of this show are questionable. Some of its parts were interesting, while other things did not impress me, such as the narrative. The subject matter "humanity on the brink of annihilation" is now a fairly common theme. I have watched countless variations of that, and it rarely engages me in any significant way anymore. It does have some interesting ideas, like showing us in this show (if I understand correctly) that slowly but surely, humanity has gotten to where it currently is on its own. This idea is somehow better than just an explanation like some monsters just happened to show up. Plus, through these "flashbacks," we gradually learn other interesting things that give the narrative some rather interesting depth. There are also some twists, some of which can be described as interesting, others as slightly clichéd, although I still have to admit that it can be surprising. The fight scenes are not so bad; sometimes they are even quite good, although the concept of "god arcs" did not grab me. The characters are not so bad either; the main male protagonist is not so bad at all, and over time I have grown to like him quite a lot; however, I find Lindow the most interesting and probably the best character. Plus, I also found Soma very interesting. I could write a whole chapter on the animation itself. It has moments where it is terrible, the movement of some of the monsters is pretty awful, and the characters themselves are not very nice to look at either. However, the monsters have very interesting designs, they look scary, and some shots of their environment are very good. So it has its really intense moments, especially in the treatment of the exteriors, and even that metal floor, which there is a close-up of at one point, really looks like a real metal floor. As far as the final impression goes, it has gotten progressively better over the last few episodes, although somehow I do not feel like it is that much above-average that I would want to award four stars, so I am just awarding it 6.4/10. ()