
Chandler engage Bosch pour la défense d'un homme accusé d'un crime sauvage. De retour sur le terrain, Maddie lutte pour retrouver ses marques. Le FBI porte son attention sur Bosch et Chandler. (Prime Video)

Critiques (1)

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Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice (pour cette série)

anglais While I'm pleased that the creators have expanded the scope of the second season, their approach leaves me questioning if they have too much freedom all at once. With several significant plotlines suddenly unfolding, I can't help but wonder if it might do more harm than good in the long run. While Michael Connelly often operates in a similar way, he's a great writer, and I don't hold the writers of this series in such high regard. That said, there's always the chance I could be wrong and I'll end up pleasantly surprised. / Lesson learned: Carefully guard your genetic material. ()