
Pour Stéphane, un jeune homme timide et inhibé, la vie prend enfin un sens lorsqu´il se laisse convaincre par sa mère de retourner en France, le pays de son enfance. Un boulot formidable l´y attend, paraît-il. Stéphane est doté d´une extraordinaire imagination et son onirisme exalté menace toujours de prendre le dessus sur sa vie réelle. Profondément déçu lorsqu´il réalise que le job ne répond pas du tout à ses attentes, il trouve consolation auprès de Stéphanie, sa charmante voisine. En un éclair, il tombe amoureux de la jeune femme dont l´imagination débordante est égale à la sienne. Stéphane n´hésite pas à se confier à elle et lui fait prendre part à ses plans, ses projets et ses rêves, l´introduisant dans son univers intime, un peu fou mais tellement coloré. Ce qui n´avait jusque-là pris forme que dans ses rêves les plus audacieux semble alors vouloir devenir réalité : il voit s´étendre devant lui un avenir merveilleux avec Stéphanie. Mais au moment même où le succès s´annonce, après la publication d´un calendrier avec ses dessins, il se sent soudain rejeté par Stéphanie. Ou ne serait-ce qu´une illusion de sa perception, qu´un effet de son manque de confiance en soi ? Partagé entre la réalité et ses rêves, Stéphane constate que ces deux univers lui échappent pareillement ... (Pathé Films)


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Critiques (5)


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais If Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind was trivially shallow, then The Science of Sleep is trivially strange. But beautifully strange. The half-dream story of a crazy boy and a crazy girl, whose souls fit together like a jigsaw puzzle (unfortunately, essentially not in a waking state), was conceived very eccentrically by Gondry and, in my view, he just barely missed the mark. The collage rampaging is funny, I feel close to the characters without exception, and the story pleasantly affected me (although by no means did it make me fall to my knees). The Science of Sleep is a very pleasant film, where all centrifugation does not end in strangeness, but with sympathetic weirdness. I was able to identify with it, and thereby Gondry's film got my attention. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais There are strange movies that inspire me, and then there are strange movies that I watch, but I'm not as enthusiastic about them. The playfulness of the movie "Science of Sleep" is incredible, but I still felt that it was really only about the playfulness and nothing else. If it weren't for the crazy ideas, surrealism in an unbelievable form, it wouldn't be about anything at all. But that's actually what it's about, right? Sometimes an original story isn't important, sometimes it's crucial to have an original form, an original concept. "Science of Sleep" is an original film, whose concept comes from the mind of Michel Gondry, a man who must have an incredible imagination. It's definitely not proven by "The Green Hornet," but "Science of Sleep" is an hour and three-quarter-long dream. Weird things happen, things that don't make sense at first glance, but aren't dreams like that? It's as if the whole film comes from our subconscious. Gael García Bernal, the brilliant performer of Ernesto Guevara in "The Motorcycle Diaries," once again showed here how interesting of an actor he is and delivered a performance that allows this very peculiar film to be watched until the end. He is superbly supported by Charlotte Gainsbourg, who I simply adore. I'm not saying she's my absolute favorite, but I always look forward to her film performances. If she is a protege, then deservedly so, because she certainly knows how to act. She demonstrated that with Lars von Trier and she repeated it for me in the movie "Science of Sleep." It's not a film that will become my favorite, but for once it was a pleasant experience that I enjoyed, an experience like being at a trippy party, even though in reality it is a romantic comedy with dramatic, even tragic, and psychological elements. This categorization is quite crazy, but sometimes it's fun. More: http://www.filmovy-denik.cz/2012/12/motocyklove-deniky-proposition-v-zajeti.html ()



Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais Although the directing is excellent, the acting great and the atmosphere perfectly set, there is still a long way to go to complete perfection... Even though Gondry’s screenplay is good, it’s simply incomparable with the spotless perfection of Kauffman’s masterpiece Eternal Sunshine. Of course it wouldn’t be completely fair to compare The Science to Sunshine. Mainly it’s completely different and, above all, very well made. You don’t warm to Stephan and Stephanie as much as to Joel and Clementine, but it’s not due to their acting skills, but instead because the couple in this movie are just genuine nut cases. But they’re cute. The dream sequences are, once again, perfectly evoked and they are what make The Science of Sleep a must see movie. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais When I saw Michel Gondry’s video for the song “Army of Me” by Icelandic diva Bjork years ago, I knew this man was an original filmmaker with a unique visual sense and the soul of an overgrown child. His latest film proves that the brilliant Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind was no fluke, and that as co-writer of the Oscar-winning screenplay (along with Kaufman), he certainly had no small part in its final form, because the same can be said about The Science of Sleep. You won't see anything so charmingly light-hearted, almost childishly playful and visually engaging nowadays, and I can't think of another contemporary filmmaker, with a few exceptions, who could be compared to Gondry in terms of unbridled imagination. I admit that this rather crazy love story (if it can be called that at all) is not for everyone, but for those who enjoy slightly different films, don't mind unusual narrative techniques and like to indulge in dreams, this is an obvious choice. And for this elegant open resolution of the strange relationship between the two leads (the uncharacteristically beautiful and charismatic Bernal and Gainsbourg), Gondry deserves an accolade. This film, or rather its acceptance/non-acceptance, will show you where you stand with your child in your soul. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais The Science of Sleep may not have captured my imagination as much as Michel Gondry's previous film, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, but I was once again intoxicated by the incredible imagination of the director and screenwriter in one. Gael Garcia Bernal is convincing in his role full of infantile yet lewd innuendos, and he is wonderfully seconded by Charlotte Gainsbourg and Alain Chabat. At times I found myself lost in the director's mind wondering what is he trying to say, but I think (or at least I hope) I eventually got it somehow. In short, another mad expedition into the human mind under the baton and pen of an amazing filmmaker. ()

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