The Bone Snatcher

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Grande-Bretagne / Canada / Afrique du Sud, 2003, 90 min


Alex, a scientist who hates field-work finds himself in a truck surrounded by sand flies and blowing dirt, bouncing across the desert. What is probably the worst day in his life is about to get worse... As he clings to his seat, a radio call comes through - four prospectors who disappeared in the desert have been found stripped of flesh with their bones scattered around a strange rock dome. With no clues to the massacre, things become terrifying when Alex discovers that he and his colleagues are being hunted by millions of creatures united into one horrifying and unstoppable killing machine. As darkness descends, the ground they stand on becomes a living carpet capable of devouring their very flesh with every step. Hell has been unleashed... (texte officiel du distributeur)


Critiques (1)

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anglais The British co-production The Bone Snatcher is a pretty fine example of why B-movies sometimes work and are definitely worth watching. It is not always about a great concept. In fact, it is seldom about that. It is usually a rip-off of what has already been made, even though it is about the movie's execution, and I simply loved this example. It is a fine B-movie that does not play around and manages to surprise visually. ()