
On the day the yellow star has to be sewn on, Imre Rózsa, the world-famous opera singer, locks himself up in the Rózsa villa. From this time on only the head of the family taken up by him, engineer Halász is allowed to enter the room in the loft, it is he who takes the food, the clean clothes and the enormous quantity of salt to him, in order to let Mr. Rózsa smell the sea when he lies on it. One by one those looking for a hiding place turn up in the villa, all taken up by Halász. Halász also arranges that on festive occasions they can take courage from the singing of Mr. Rózsa, who is invisible to them. All the terror of the last stage of the war passes through the villa, and it is only after the war that the teenaged Tomi understands that Mr. Rózsa had been protecting them since his locking up himself as a dead man. (Budapest Film)


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