
The story follows a British sea captain who must go undercover, join a pirate band, and capture the notorious Captain Henry Morgan (Robert Stephens). However, Morgan is on to the ruse and is well prepared when the sea captain makes his move. As the two engage in mortal combat, they are knocked unconscious and dragged to the governor of Tortuga who prepares to hang them both as pirates. Fortunately, a stowaway aboard the pirate vessel steps forward and reveals their true identities. (texte officiel du distributeur)


Critiques (1)

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anglais This is more of a family film than an adventure film, let alone an action film. It’s a film that the family can turn on on a Sunday and not even watch it. Maybe if they watch it in parts, they'll be somewhat entertained, but more likely not. The pirates are kind of weak in this rendition, more like silly characters than a threat, which is a concept that didn't sit well with me. ()