Dumb Money

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L’incroyable histoire vraie d’un homme ordinaire et de ses followers qui ont ébranlé Wall Street en misant sur GameStop, une entreprise à laquelle personne ne croyait. En engageant toutes ses économies sur un pari fou, Keith Gill et ceux qui décident de le suivre, vont gagner beaucoup, beaucoup d’argent : Wall Street a ses nouveaux loups. Mais ce qui enrichit les uns appauvrit les autres, et les milliardaires des fonds d’investissement ne vont pas tarder à riposter… (Metropolitan FilmExport)


Critiques (3)

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Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais Guaranteed true story about an incredible tale of a man created by the modern era and its possibilities. The story is about a clever man who made money on absurd but well-thought-out investment in the GameStop company (Something like our JRC). A thematic story that older generations will not understand and will only tell young people in case they have some economic awareness. In short, a quite specific matter with quite specific dialogues and a course of events. Which, it occurs to me, is quite typical for Seth Rogen and the movies in which he plays. They are not for everyone. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais Another gripping and suspenseful true story based on real events that grabs you by the balls and doesn't let go. I'd easily classify it as the little sibling of this year's Air and Tetris, it's a David and Goliath battle where a group of amateur investors bet on Gamestop not to go bankrupt and in doing so, tear up Wall Street, shake up the world and make history thanks to one man who started it all. The likeable Paul Dano gives a great performance and Seth Rogen, who plays the arrogant money man, is a delight. Even for someone not familiar with the stock market and shares, the film is presented in a simple way, so that even an ignorant viewer can find their way around. Pete Davidson takes care of the humor and the overall tone of the film is very feel good. Once things get going, there's a nice stressful build-up where things really start to get tense and the emotions work, and it goes on like this until the finale, which includes my favourite lawsuit. Dumb Money serves up its story with tremendous style and fun that just about anyone can enjoy. 8/10. ()