


Set in an otherworldly human existence, scientist Sterling Pierce dedicated his life to the quest for immortality, slowly creating the building blocks of a groundbreaking serum named “Divinity.” Jaxxon Pierce, his son, now controls and manufactures his father’s once-benevolent dream. Society on this barren planet has been entirely perverted by the supremacy of the drug, whose true origins are shrouded in mystery. Two mysterious brothers arrive with a plan to abduct the mogul, and with the help of a seductive woman named Nikita, they will be set on a path hurtling toward true immortality. (Sundance Film Festival)


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français Un exercice de caméra sur le thème des bizarreries produit par Steven Soderbergh. Il y a quelques idées visuelles intéressantes et quelques beaux efforts d'animation stop-motion, mais l’intrigue est plate au possible. Pour un court-métrage d’une demi-heure, ça aurait été, mais comme long métrage, c'est quelque peu ennuyeux. [Sundance Film Festival 2023] ()