
Ted Brooks, un dentiste travaillant à Miami, hérite de huit magnifiques Husky de compétition. Il doit se rendre en Alaska pour s'occuper de ces chiens de traîneaux espiègles et totalement incontrôlables. Par la même occasion, il s'engage dans une grande course. Mais Tonnerre Jack, un montagnard irascible, se montre prêt à tout pour récupérer les animaux en question et renvoyer ce citadin d'où il vient. (texte officiel du distributeur)


Critiques (2)

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Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais An average feel-good movie... unnecessarily drawn out and boring in places. Cuba Gooding, Jr. certainly didn't go out of his way. Perhaps he even let me down. A fall here and there, a bite here and there... when someone is simply bored. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais Thanks to inheriting a bunch of sled dogs, a black dentist from Miami ends up in Alaska, finding happiness and the moral of the story. Kitsch visuals, annoyingly catchy music, a non-existent screenplay, dumb dialogs, unbearably unlikeable Cuba Gooding Jr. and lame attempts at situation comedy. More proof that Disney no longer knows how to produce quality family movies. What makes Snow Dogs even worse is that it was a box office hit, so probably Disney has no intention of changing anything for the foreseeable future. ()