Horus, prince du soleil

  • Japon Taijó no ódži: Horus no daibóken (plus)


Dans une nature hostile où les loups attaquent toujours l'homme, Horus, un adolescent plein de vie et de courage, retire une épée de l'épaule d'un démon de pierre, plantée là comme une écharde: c'est l'épée du soleil. Fier de lui, il ramène l'épée à son père, mais ce dernier meurt. Au moment de rendre son dernier souffle, il lui confie une mission: sauver son peuple d'une créature qui terrorise le pays. Commence alors pour le jeune garçon sans peur un très long voyage pour retrouver les siens. (Le Pacte)


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anglais I mean, considering how old this thing is, I was pleasantly surprised. Of course, the animation shows its age, and the static cuts in the fight scenes, when they change the images, do not look great, although I still liked this movie a lot. I thought the soundtrack was especially nice. It does not have any profound narrative; it is a classic heroic tale. It appears that the main male protagonist is not in the center of the action, and so Hilda gets the most screen time for character development, which is a good thing. Many fell for Hilda quite quickly and liked listening to her singing. Plus, it had a certain amount of cuteness to it, so I even smiled at times. The Great Adventure of Horus, Prince of the Sun was a very enjoyable experience and I am rating it with a charming 8/10. ()