
L'avion de l'équipe nationale uruguayenne de rugby s'écrase sur la Cordillère des Andes. Seule une vingtaine passagers en réchappe. Pour survivre dans ces conditions climatiques extrêmes, les rescapés sont contraints de recourir à l'anthropophagie. (texte officiel du distributeur)

Critiques (3)

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Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais A movie that many people will probably remember from television. It’s a story about how sometimes survival means doing something that a person wouldn't normally do. Sure, it heavily relies on emotions, sometimes unnecessarily so, but it's still a powerful story about how if a person wants to, they can cope with the consequences of fate. Unfortunately, not everyone can survive. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais A well-known story of an air crash with action sequences that are a throwback to the 1990s. But the rest is a bit boring and dull and isn’t salvaged by the few callous shots which, like it or not, had to appear due to the topic of the story. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais Impressive in its time, perhaps a bit shocking, as there were relatively few of these narrative survival films until the early 1990s, and those few were only marginally impressive due to poor technical quality. Even here, there is an annoying rear projection and a few other ailments, but the impressive cinematography and the riveting Andes do their job. The bland pacing and many dull scenes, on the other hand, bring it down to average, and you basically tiptoe around the film's biggest highlight. It has lost its urgency and luster over time, but it's still solid filmmaking with a damn serious theme based on a true story. And it also stars Ethan Hawke and Lionel Messi! ()