Silo - Season 1 (2023) (saison)

Les Gardiens de la flamme (S01E07)

  • France I guardiafiamma (plus)

VOD (1)


De plus en plus préoccupé par l'instabilité dans le Silo, Bernard cherche à faire alliance avec Juliette qui, de son côté, demande un service à son père. (Apple TV+)

Critiques (1)

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Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice (pour cette série)

anglais This episode is decent... It's nothing groundbreaking, but it also doesn't bore you to death. If I disregard the fact that in the book we would already be somewhere faaaar faaaar away by now, the TV show is following its own storyline, which may not be as exciting as the book adaptation, but I wouldn't condemn it like some others here. We're learning more, there is progress in the plot, but it's about time they start addressing the things happening outside LOL. ()