La Tigresse royale

Italie, 1916, 80 min


Giovanni Pastrone


Giovanni Verga (livre)


Giovanni Verga


Au cours d'une réception, la comtesse russe Natka fait la connaissance du diplomate Giorgio La Ferlita. Un officier, à qui elle avait promis une danse provoque le diplomate en duel. Amoureuse de Giorgio, Natka lui raconte sa vie aventureuse, sans se douter que d'autres péripéties l'attendent. (Festival International du Film de La Rochelle)

Critiques (1)

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anglais Royal Tiger is a melodrama with a capital M, dominated by the distinctive performance of Pina Menichelli, a diva with a capital D. The story is quite simple at first glance and, in the spirit of the time and genre, is full of almost theatrical performances. On second glance, however, it impresses with well-constructed flashbacks and breathtaking technical execution, especially at the end. It is also the affected acting and the quirky content of the interludes that make Royal Tiger enjoyably humorous. ()