


Film de science fiction adapté d'une bande dessinée. Les Hémophages, une race d'humains génétiquement modifiés à fait surface. Ils sont dotés d'une force physique hors du commun et d'une intelligence supérieure. Parmi eux, une femme, combattante solitaire, à décidé de tout faire pour protéger les siens et pour retrouver ceux qui ont changé sa vie à jamais. (Sony Pictures Releasing France)


Critiques (3)

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Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais Ultraviolet is one of those action movies that would benefit from less editing. Indeed, what remained in the cut scenes on the DVD literally changed the meaning of everything that remained in the main film. Otherwise, it's a pure genre film that stands and falls on how you feel about Milla Jovovich. I'd appreciate more mythology, but given the similarities to the current pandemic (which isn't exactly pleasant) I'll let the related anime Ultraviolet: Code 044 sit. Ideally until we stop wearing the face masks. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais I couldn't believe my eyes. "What the hell is that?" I kept saying to myself under my breath (and even a few times out loud). At the same time I realized that Wimmer was satisfied with the result, because he made Ultraviolet exactly as he wanted it to be. The eternal question is why? My younger sister summed it up in one word that I fully agree with this time: Hodgepodge. Nevertheless, the visual style is really different from regular science fiction and some ideas are not completely bad. Those two stars of mine are probably for Wimmer's courage to release this into the world and for Milla who looks damn good and clearly had a great time making this movie. ()