
Chul-min lost his mother when he was young, now lives together with his father, the chief investigator of the town, and with his half-bred dog. Ever since he was a boy, the locals and his father have called him "Mutt Boy" because he roamed around the neighborhood asking for food like a stray dog. Mutt Boy calls his half-bred police dog "Mutt Boy" as well and they go everywhere together as if they were brothers. But then one day, other members of Mutt Boy's high school soccer team steal his dog and eat it. Chul-min goes after them to seek revenge, but Chul-min's father pops up at the scene and takes him away. A few years later, Chul-min drops out of high school and lives day by day doing nothing useful. Then one day, some street bandits got kicked out of high school and have nothing going for them like Chul-min, challenge Chul-min to a duel. After the match, Chul-min is victorious and he begins to hang out with the MJK boys. (texte officiel du distributeur)


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