Paris, Texas

Bande-annonce 1
Allemagne de l'Ouest / France / Grande-Bretagne / États-Unis, 1984, 147 min


Au milieu du désert texan, Travis, un homme que l'on croyait mort, réapparaît. Harassé, il s'évanouit, pour se réveiller à l'hôpital. Prévenu, son frère Walt le retrouve muet et amnésique après quatre années d'errance. Chez Walt, Travis retrouve Hunter, son fils de 8 ans que Jane, sa jeune femme, a mystérieusement abandonné quatre ans auparavant. Peu à peu, Travis reconquiert sa mémoire et son identité. Il tente de regagner l'affection de son fils. Ses efforts sont d'abord accueillis avec méfiance par le gamin, qui, peu à peu, pourtant, consent à aimer ce père étrange. Travis part avec lui à la recherche de Jane, qui travaille dans un peep-show de Houston... (Tamasa Distribution)


Critiques (4)

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Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais A remarkable cinematic experience that pushes itself into our subconscious through its slow pace and the very restrained performances of the leading quartet in a very tedious but at the same time masterful way. Although I was mostly searching in vain for themes in this peculiar journey of self-discovery that would knock me down with their power and presentation, the novel formal aspect led by the perfect cinematography, the beautiful setting and the corresponding banjo music, and my great weakness for such creative escapades kept the star rating in the upper floors this time. I'm quite sorry, though, that the expected highly moving conclusion left me suspiciously cold, but at least it fit naturally into the overall easygoing context. 75% ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

français Pourquoi Paris, Texas est-il aussi infiniment lent que les immenses plaines du Texas, ornées de verdure et d'un ciel bleu qui, pendant l'hiver morne à Prague, agissent comme un baume pour l'âme du spectateur ? Parce que cette merveilleuse conclusion, coupant le souffle et ne laissant pas les yeux secs, nous devons la mériter. Et en plus de cela, la jeune Nastassja Kinski, semblable à l'amour de ma jeunesse. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais This road movie is considered to be Wim Wenders' best film and I basically agree with that. It is a very slow film that relies on atmosphere, camera work that utilizes amazing American exteriors, and the ability to perfectly capture subtly conveyed emotions of the film's characters. Above all, it relies on perfectly chosen music, which complements the story. The actors we cast well and have precise acting performances. Harry Dean Stanton is beautifully worn out, Nastassja Kinski is fragile and innocent even during her performance in a peep show, and the child actor performs flawlessly. Overall impression: 90%. It is a film about the breakdown of a marriage and an attempt to return, if not to the role of a partner, then at least to the role of a parent. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais The film is very well made and, of course, very well written, but due to its slow pace, I just couldn't get into it. Harry Dean Stanton is absolutely brilliant here, and his dialogue with Nastassja Kinski is a highlight of the film, but it simply didn't evoke the necessary emotions in me, at least not to the extent it should have. ()