
Jack Carter, un gangster peu scrupuleux, collecte les dettes non payées pour les prêteurs sur gages de Las Vegas. C'est un métier qui correspond exactement à son profil : froid, implacable et précis. Ayant appris que son frère Richard était mort dans un accident de voiture, Jack quitte Las Vegas et son univers corrompu pour retourner à Seattle. Il est apparemment le seul à croire que la mort accidentelle de son frère, causée par l'ivresse au volant, est un coup monté. Même Gloria, la femme de Richard, sa fille Doreen, ses collègues de travail et les policiers ne voient pas l'intérêt de continuer l'enquête. Jack, lui, est bien décidé à découvrir la vérité et à venger la mort de son frère. (texte officiel du distributeur)


Vidéo (1)


Critiques (4)


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais I simply like Stallone, so I think the movie is worth at least some points, even though it's something that can't quite decide between being a comedy or a truly serious action film. It's soft, poorly structured, and lacks a proper finale, and it just sort of ends uninterestingly. ()



Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais I rank Carter as one of Stallone's weaker efforts. I can totally hear the director's instructions before shooting, "Keep that tough look, Sly. Mickey, don’t be afraid to show some emotion." I didn't really get the plot. The basic story line was clear, but everything around it was drowned in chaos. Who was supposed to be the bad guy? Michael Caine? Then why did he act so illogically? How did Mickey Rourke's character end up? Why was Carter's Las Vegas romance even part of the story? The biggest problem for me was that the creators were trying to pretend the story was deep. If they had focused more on making an action movie, it would have turned out much better. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais Get Carter could be a prime example of the differences between American and British films, or between films made 40 years ago and today. Compared to the great original, this remake is pretty weak. It lacks any thought and atmosphere, we just watch one pissed off guy beating on people all the time, and sometimes he learns something from one of them (or not, but what the hell). From my point of view, it's saved mainly by Stallone, who is exemplarily tough (although he doesn't show anything else on screen), Michael Caine and Mickey Rourke, who are only half trying to act, but they do act, and the music, which nicely revived the addictive theme from the original Carter... and that's it. Why the filmmakers chose a completely different (!) ending from the original remains a mystery to me. When I get to the book one day, I'm sure it will end in a "British" way, I know it... Carter's score: Two and a half stars. ()

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