Hustle & Flow

Bande-annonce 1


DJay est à un tournant. Vivre de magouilles et d'expédients, survivre au jour le jour sans perspective d'avenir ne suffit plus à l'approche de la trentaine, lorsque s'envolent nos rêves de jeunesse. Proxénète par nécessité plus que par vocation, DJay se cherche une nouvelle voie d'urgence. Une rencontre de hasard avec un vieil ami, Key, ingénieur du son aspirant à une carrière musicale, éveille en lui un talent insoupçonné. DJay se lance fièvreusement dans le rap free style, mettant en musique sa vie et ses tribulations de hustler de Memphis. Un excentrique virtuose des synthés, Shelby, et deux "gagneuses", Shug et Nola, s'associent à la préparation de la première démo de DJay, que celui-ci va s'efforcer de placer auprès de la superstar du rap, Skinny Black... (texte officiel du distributeur)


Critiques (2)

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Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais Placing the film in the crime genre is quite confusing because even though the protagonist ends up in prison and gunshots are heard in one scene, it's just another one of many films that depict the challenging journey toward achieving the American Dream. It's simply about how one outsider grits his teeth and, supported by the love of his fellow man, finds his way up. Gangster rap is a very specific genre that has brought many strange characters from the fringes of society to the peak of popularity, who have brought with them quite uncultivated manners and remain fundamentally uneducated, arrogant posers. Musically, it's not very interesting either because the power of rap and hip-hop has always been in the lyrics and in the personal experiences of street people, which are difficult to transmit. The main protagonist is a kind shepherd who stumbled into the profession by chance, and also thanks to bad luck, but at his core, he's still a good guy who can take care of his sheep with extraordinary understanding, and his favorite girl lovingly reciprocates to such an extent that one could burst into laughter. Overall impression: 50%. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais I originally didn’t even want to watch this film, but after a while of black catchphrases I recognized that I could give it a chance. In the end, I watched it to the end but not because I was excited about the film, but rather because out of shock at how somebody could live like this. Hip-hop is not my cup of tea, but in this movie the music quite makes sense. ()

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