
Gina éclate en sanglots quand Michael Felgate, commissaire-priseur britannique établi à New York, lui demande de l'épouser. Michael comprend la réaction de la jeune femme quand il fait la connaissance de son père, Frank, homme par ailleur sympathique mais membre influent de la redoutable famille mafieuse des Graziosi. Michael promet de se tenir à l'écart du milieu de sa belle-famille et Gina accepte de l'épouser. Rester honnête va pourtant s'avérer plus difficile que prévu. (texte officiel du distributeur)


Critiques (2)

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Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais In a flood of romantic comedies, Mickey Blue Eyes is slightly above average and can similarly be described within Hugh Grant's filmography, who founded his acting career on his sympathetic, innocent face. The humor is basically ordinary, so definitely don't expect an original or even intellectual experience. On the other hand, although the film clearly targets a mass audience, it manages to avoid awkwardness, vulgarity, and cheapness typical of overseas productions. The biggest plus is the casting, with actors known from bloody mafia dramas playing the roles of Mafiosi in a light-hearted game and perfectly fitting the image we viewers have of members of Mafia clans. James Caan in the role of the Mafia father of the bride is perhaps the best of all. This film doesn't invite repeated viewing, but watching it once won't offend you. Overall impression: 55%. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais As I’ve been rewatching films with the organized-crime theme, I remembered Mickey and enjoyed it as much as I did a few years ago. The clear star of the film for me is James Caan, who plays a mobster effortlessly yet absolutely convincingly. The film had me laughing a lot. It's a shame that the authors let the humor enter cringe territory a few times and couldn't do without a sappy ending. Apart from these details, I was happy overall. ()

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