
Deux ans après s'être résolus à fermer la Mystère & Cie, le super-chien Scooby-Doo et ses amis Fred, Daphné, Sammy et Véra se retrouvent sur Spooky Island. Les cinq limiers au flair inimitable ont été appelés sur place après une cascade d'incidents paranormaux dans l'immense parc d'attractions de Spring Break. L'excentrique Emile Mondavarious, le maître de l'île, craint que le site ne soit réellement hanté, et compte sur la joyeuse bande pour résoudre au plus vite ces troublantes énigmes et mettre un terme à la fuite de sa richissime clientèle. Oubliant leurs petits désaccords, les cinq acceptent avec enthousiasme cette périlleuse mission. Faux esprits, monstres bidons, effets spéciaux... Scooby-Doo et ses copains croyaient avoir tout vu. Mais à Spooky Island, ils ne sont pas au bout de leurs surprises. (texte officiel du distributeur)


Vidéo (2)

Bande-annonce 1

Critiques (5)


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais The live-action version of the adventures of Scooby-Doo and his gang sticks too closely to the animated original and looks artificial in places, largely due to the weak visual effects of the monsters and Scooby-Doo. Also, while primarily intended for younger audiences, the film has an unhealthy amount of fecal scenes that ultimately undermine it. Rowan Atkinson unfortunately has nothing to do, as does the central foursome of actors, who are not downright bad, but unfortunately tied down by a weak script. ()



Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais Oh well. I was afraid it would be a terrible stupidity, so I avoided the movie "Scooby-Doo" for a long time. But eventually I did watch it and realized it simply is a terrible stupidity. Completely imbecilic humor definitely doesn't help, just like you won't be amazed by familiar faces. I was genuinely ashamed of some scenes, wondering why I was even watching them in the movie. Without any originality, transparent, just a reflection of the popular series that I never really liked either. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais It's silly in exactly the same way as the animated series, but it has one big advantage: it knows it's silly, and constantly uses that to more or less successful jokes. Child audiences will find it just as enjoyable as lovers of racy double entendre, but I was most amused at the stylization into a brainy, deliberately parrot-like slapstick and the presence of Rowan Atkinson. The titular canine hero was also fine, and as far as the Mysteries Inc. gang goes, Matthew Lillard is second to none. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais It’s not bad to flush your brain every now and again with a silly infantile thing like this. Pure entertainment that doesn't pretend to be anything else, it's colourful to the point of being overwrought with a cool Haunted Island and Rowan Atkinson in an uncharacteristic role on top. If only they had avoided the typical fashion statement of these days, a fart and burp scene. Other than that, it’s OK. ()

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