
En 2005, Joe Bauers participe à un programme expérimental d'hibernation conçu par le Pentagone. À son réveil, le jeune militaire est tellement décontenancé par les rues encombrées d'ordures et le degré de stupidité ambiante qu'il décide de consulter un médecin. À l'hôpital, il découvre qu'il a dormi pendant cinq siècles, avant d'être arrêté pour non présentation du code-barres corporel obligatoire. Quand les tests de QI effectués en prison révèlent qu'il est l'homme le plus intelligent des États-Unis, la Maison-Blanche s'empresse de le recruter pour régler le problème de fertilité des sols qui frappe le pays... (Arte)


Critiques (4)


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais An easy-going comedy with an original idea, but quite underused. It's too dumb and the main character doesn't show much sign of intelligence to entertain much. The most enjoyable part was Terry Crews, porn star and President of the United States. I laughed a few times, but there are better comedies. 60% ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais A great comedy that warns smart people what will happen if they don't have enough children or postpone them indefinitely, and shows stupid people the future of cinema - asses and farts. A US Army librarian becomes the smartest man on the planet in the year 2505 after a failed experiment. Stylistically, it's a mix of Planet of the Apes and The Running Man with ridiculous effects and occasionally really stupid humor, but quite deliberately stupid. Luke Wilson fits the average guy perfectly and President Terry Crews is a delight as well. I'd say a lot of the ideas sketched here inspired Rick & Morty or other similarly wacky shows. ()



Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais No, I admit that I didn't enjoy this comedy at all and I think that the characters here are not great at all. But the second thing is the fact about what this movie is actually about. "Absurdistán" is a great social criticism. It is not necessarily the society of the future that will look so terrifying. It can also be a metaphor for the current society. And I think it's a quite accurate metaphor. Just the introduction alone makes you think a little. This is exactly what I would give this comedy an above-average rating for, it has something to say. It doesn't deserve much else. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais The film benefits a lot from the premise, which is really great: our mediocre main character is frozen in 2005, then wakes up 500 years later to a world so stupid that he’s suddenly the smartest man under the sun. We should be in for at least above average entertainment, but the creators only managed it half way. There are no memorable lines to quote on cue, and the portrayal of a backward society is more or less limited to a lot of sexual innuendo, kicks to the crotch and "fuck" in every sentence. But on the other hand, there's plenty to laugh at, and the reasonable runtime gives the film not only the right pace, but more importantly the courage to simplify everything as much as possible and add just enough absurdity to most scenes to make one turn a blind eye to the fact that a lot more could have been made of it. It's not even close to four stars, but it doesn't deserve to be dismissed. After all, that's what other, indescribably more stupid comedies are for... 60% ()

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