
Dino Barran, un médecin légionnaire, se transforme en perceur de coffres forts pour aider la femme d'un homme qu'il a tué accidentellement à remettre à leur place des documents compromettants. Pour l'occasion, il doit faire équipe avec Franz Propp, un légionnaire qui lui voue une haine féroce. (texte officiel du distributeur)

Critiques (3)

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Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais "Yay!" For God's sake, please don't read the official distributor text! You'd just be spoiling the experience of an enjoyable and rather well thought out film in which Delon and Bronson work beautifully together. Really extraordinary - true male friendship emanates from every scene they share. And the whole vault-robbing passage...! Great! ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

français Pendant plus de la moitié du film, je me suis demandé pourquoi un tel titre. Le début est déconcertant, le milieu est terriblement ennuyeux et insensé et la fin rattrape légèrement les choses. Sans plaisanter, le plus intéressant de tout le film, c’est le tour que fait Charles Bronson avec des pièces de monnaie et la performance de celui-ci. À part ça, c’est l’un des films policiers français les plus faibles. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais I only gave it 2 stars, which does not indicate any enthusiasm, but I will start with what works well in my view of the film. Firstly, the presence of Alain Delon. He was at the peak of his career at that time, and his minimalist acting in the roles of tough guys rightfully gained a lot of success with the audience. Secondly, the presence of the second movie star, Charles Bronson, also contributes to the film. No one expects character acting from him, and he was very solid in typical roles of adventurers with a strong fist. Thirdly, the typical 60s visual style, from the hairstyles and costumes to cars - for those who like this era, this film is a feast for the eyes. The chemistry between the two main characters works decently, and the film is a celebration of male friendship. Unfortunately, that's where the list of positives ends. The main obstacle is the overly complicated and far-fetched screenplay, which requires its characters to have completely twisted mental processes and relies heavily on extreme coincidences. The surprising resolution falls into the category that can only elicit a forgiving smile and sarcasm. Upon closer inspection, one cannot help but notice numerous logical gaps and absurdities that bring the film to its knees. On the other hand, it is not a film that makes me angry or that I consider a waste of time. Overall impression: 45%. ()