Le Bateau de la mort

  • Canada Death Ship (plus)


Sur la mer des Caraïbes, un vaisseau fantôme surgit du brouillard et fonce droit devant sur un paquebot où se trouvent de riches touristes. Après l’accident, il n’y a que neuf survivants qui ont pris place sur un canot. Ils approchent du vaisseau et une fois à bord découvrent qu’il est vide. Mais d’étranges phénomènes se produisent… (Bach Films)


Critiques (2)

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Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais Death Ship is a good film. It has a good atmosphere of growing madness and a great setting where you just need a couple of actors. However, it's also convoluted in places, and unfortunately, the picture quality isn't always what the film deserves. Sometimes you should really see more than you actually see. I'm still definitely giving it a positive rating, because this is a film I enjoyed watching. I'd love to watch it again sometime. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais This is precisely the kind of old horror film that I wouldn’t mind if someone remade it today. That abandoned ship has so much potential!!! It’s a shame the script evidently doesn’t know what to do with it. The story is quite naive already from the start, but the quality rises sharply once the likeable gang gets on board, until the screenwriter wastes the few ideas he had, that is. When the plot about the mad captain begins, I came to terms with the fact that the film will fall into a mess that will be watchable, but pointless to remember. ()