VOD (1)


Spoon, Stretch et leur amie Cookie forment un bizarre et sympathique trio d'artistes musiciens qui ne vit que lorsqu'il se produit en public. Lorsque les lumières s'éteignent chacun retourne vers ses angoisses. Un jour, Cookie fait une overdose et tombe dans le coma. Apres l'avoir conduite aux urgences, Spoon et Stretch jurent de renoncer à la drogue et d'entamer une cure de désintoxication. Pour ce faire, ils vont devoir affronter une administration kafkaïenne, des dealers en colère et des flics peu compréhensifs. (texte officiel du distributeur)


Critiques (2)

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Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais A rather pleasantly twisted film about two guys deciding to get rid of drugs after their friend overdoses, and they have to do everything they can to save her. Tupac and Tim Roth are quite good in their roles, and as a duo, they click quite well. It's not an absolutely breathtaking experience, but it's ultimately pretty decent. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais A sympathetic little film with distinct features of American independent productions about a duo of addicts who decide, in a sudden change of mind, to end their habit. The goal is noble, but the path to a detoxification treatment is unlocked by a key called a health insurance card, which, of course, the duo does not possess. The following odyssey, to obtain registration with the health insurance company, encounters not only a barrier of bureaucratic red tape but also a pair of mobsters who want to rid both friends of their worries forever. Some lines and situations are genuinely funny, although sometimes Tim Roth tends to overact and there are weaker moments in the film. Nevertheless, as a whole, the film belongs to the better part of American production from the 90s. Overall impression: 70%. ()