
Edward and Connie Summer (Richard Gere, Diane Lane) have the perfect life: a happy marriage, an eight year old son, and a beautiful house in the suburbs. But when Connie's chance encounter with a handsome stranger (Olivier Martinez) erupts into a full-blown affair, desire becomes obsession, and the true price of betrayal takes a shattering toll. (texte officiel du distributeur)


Critiques (3)

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Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais Adrian Lyne always excelled in portraying intimacy and emotional connections, whether it be within families or romantic couples. Here, he again confirms his strength and weakness – that is, direction as such. The film is very nondescript and the actors are not always entirely convincing, the piano music is fantastic, giving many scenes the appropriate power and uniqueness. The eroticism is a bit out of place, but it wouldn't be Lyne if he didn't spice things up somehow. Similarly, the motive of Connie (Diane Lane) is somewhat off because in reality, this could probably happen only very rarely, given the background and financial situation she was in. However, anything is possible in a movie, and in this case, the result is just average. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

français La première moitié de Infidèle est excellente. Adrian Lyne est un brillant psychologue qui capture magnifiquement les tourments d'une femme mariée, déchirée entre une passion sexuelle débridée et les remords de trahir et de "blesser ceux qu'elle aime". Dans cette perspective, la scène dans le train avec des flashbacks amoureux est tout simplement fantastique. Et dans la scène du bain, le réalisateur saisit avec brio l'éloignement que l'héroïne ressent envers son époux. J'ai été captivé par cette partie du film, tournée dans le style hypnotique typique de Lyne. Cependant, dans la seconde moitié, le scénario bascule dans des clichés de thriller stupides, insuffisamment pensés et bon marché, qui se parodient eux-mêmes. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais As has already been mentioned, there have been plenty of better movies made about infidelity. But none of them (of the ones I've seen so far) have better described the feelings of an unfaithful woman. I really had a crazy time with her for the first hour. And if I had nothing else to praise, I have to praise Diane Lane's performance. It's a huge shame that the second half lost its purpose and turned out the way it did. It's almost like two different movies. 3 stars. ()