
Michael Brody et Sean Brody, les deux fils du chef de la police Martin Brody de la ville plaisancière d'Amytiville, ont bien grandis. Après que leur père ait affronté deux foix la terreur des mers, le Grand Requin Blanc, une espèce animale mangeuse d'hommes de plus de sept mètres de long, ils se sont installés en Floride où ils travaillent pour un célèbre parc aquatique englouti dans la mer, dirigé par Calvin Bouchard. (texte officiel du distributeur)


Critiques (2)

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Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais Let's face it, Jaws 3 is a piece of crap without a shred of logic and a total lack of respect for the qualities of the original horror film. Apparently, director Joe Alves was convinced that a meeting with the good-old killer would make him a lot of money, so he didn't hesitate, procured a few litres of ketchup and concocted something resembling a big toothy fish, which he then set into frantic motion with the help of the ingenious effects of the time. I really don't understand how he managed to get actors of the quality of Quaid and Gossett. At least it was funny. ()

Malarkey Boo !

Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais You’re nearing the bottom of the keg of beer, Jaws 3-D is starting, and you don’t want to sleep. Overall, a truly shitty situation. Probably the first movie with 3-D in its title, only it really does not include any 3-D. Except for the shot of the bitten off hand. It was so drastic it almost fell through to my living room. ()