The Eye 3

  • anglais The Eye 10 (plus)


Cinq adolescents avides de sensations fortes se portent volontaires pour participer au Rite des HUIT. Un par un, ils vont être confrontés à une incroyable expérience pleine de fantômes,, autres démons... Un par un, ils devront lutter pour ne pas succomber aux chants des esprits, revenir indemnes à la réalité. Mais l'un d'entre eux manque à l'appel... Vont-ils repartir à sa recherche dans ce monde parrallèle... (Wild Side Video)


Critiques (2)

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Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais Another Asian ghost story, this time without atmosphere, but with comedic elements, something that can never end well, and it didn’t here. A film only for the most ardent enthusiasts of eastern horror, anyone else need not bother. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais Unfortunately, in other respects besides humor, the film is weaker than its predecessors. It shows that the Pang brothers tried to squeeze something out of what they didn't have as well developed and where they mainly didn't know how to make it interesting enough, how to let that mythology continue to grow to keep it frightening and engaging. This installment is definitely the weakest, and I think it will quickly fade from memory. ()

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