VOD (1)


Geum-ja, une belle jeune fille qui fait tourner toutes les têtes sur son passage, devient un personnage public lorsqu'elle est accusée à seulement 19 ans de l'enlèvement et du meurtre d'un petit garçon de cinq ans. Attribué à une si jeune et jolie femme, ce crime atroce obsède les medias. Le choc est terrible lorsque Geum-ja passe aux aveux et est condamnée à une longue peine de prison. Que s'est-il passé entre Geum-ja et son professeur il y a 13 ans? De quoi cherche-t-elle à se venger ? Et jusqu'où cette quête obsessionnelle la mènera-t-elle ? (Metropolitan FilmExport)


Critiques (3)

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Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais The idea and the premise of the whole movie is great, but some scenes didn't really appeal to me. The female performances didn't work for me as much as I had expected. The film lacked a certain kind of toughness and masculinity from the start. I didn't expect it to reach the standard of Old Boy, but in some ways I didn’t think it even came close. On the other hand, the acting, the music, and the originality of the ending have no limits. As a whole, unfortunately, only a weak 4 stars. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais The extremely successful climax to Park’s trilogy (or tetralogy, if we include his short in Three... Extremes) about revenge. As in the preceding movies, we look at revenge from various points of view and completely differently. But what stays the same are the brilliant actors, the great technical aspects, especially the camerawork and the music, and more than one scene that remains ingrained in your memory for long after. But why sing the praises of Park Chan-wook over and over if it is absolutely redundant to do so? Because this “episode" is no better or worse than those that came before it. With such constant quality, it is up to you which episode you think is the best. This one doesn’t happen to be my favorite, but so what? ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais Has Lady Vengeance matured and/or not matured beyond collective guilt? In any case, it managed to sell out, so things can’t be that bad. South Korea vs NinadeL: still hasn't landed even a single aspect. ()