L'Homme de paille

  • États-Unis The Wicker Man (plus)

VOD (1)


Out patrolling a California highway, police officer Edward Malus (Nicolas Cage) stops a station wagon to return a little girl's lost doll. Moments later, a runaway truck slams into the station wagon, igniting it into a fiery wreck with the mother and child trapped inside. Edward fails to save them before the car explodes...and then spends months of his life choking down pills to get the image of their faces out of his head. But Edward is about to get a second chance. A desperate letter from his former girlfriend, Willow (Kate Beahan), arrives at his home with no postmark. (texte officiel du distributeur)


Critiques (3)

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Isherwood Boo !

Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais A scripturally-neutered remake that completely disrespects the basic premise of the original film and bases the entire plot on a cheap crime-thriller that is sorely lacking in the mysterious atmosphere created by strange folk-song interludes and witty dialogue full of the conflicting mindsets of a forged Christian and a pagan community. Cage's cop Edward Malus is just a dry psychological sketch of all the menial clichés (the trauma of being on duty, the constantly recurring flashbacks), and at no point does the director dare to deviate from this template. Out of respect (in this case, however, it is a proper mockery) for the original, it sticks to the original outcome, but the final explanation is (like most of the "thematic" dialogues) just a bunch of pseudo-philosophical bullshit about harmony with nature. Unfortunately (not only because of the overacting actors but also because of the overall stupidity of the performance), it makes your ears bleed with every second word. Cage must have raked in most of the $40 million budget for his role because the poetically picturesque cinematography comes across as very cheap kitsch and overall it's a lame piece of trash that makes most people avoid the original rather than be impressed by it. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

français Si vous n’avez pas vu l’original, ce film ne sera pour vous qu’un mauvais thriller. Pour celles et ceux qui le connaissent, par contre, The Wicker Man est carrément une insulte au film d’origine,dont la formule absurde ne serait même pas crédible sur papier. Neil LaBute est un scénariste lamentable et un réalisateur de petit calibre. Il dirige atrocement ses acteurs. Malgré tout, avec le temps, se développe pour ce navet un étrange amour caché de la part d’une portion du public, précisément pour ces raisons-là. L’interaction entre Nicolas Cage et les abeilles numériques en est devenue une scène légendaire (attention, il existe une version dans laquelle ce passage – pourtant le meilleur – a malheureusement été retiré).En fait, le jeu frénétique de Nicolas Cage est la seule chose qui rend The Wicker Man intéressant. Et le fait que quelqu’un ait voulu faire un caméo dans un telfatras me dépasse. ()

Lima Boo !

Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais If there's ever a poll for the most shameful remake of all time, LaBute's film will have a certain medal position. A truly dreadful slap in the face to all admirers of Hardy's iconic original. A film with no atmosphere, no suspense and stupidly chatty, with a few cheap scares and where the hell are the singing and dancing numbers, which were an essential element of Hardy’s original and gave it an unmistakable appeal??!! Moreover, the whole concept of La Bute's remake is bad and tramples on the essence of Hardy's work. La Bute turned the originally bigoted and fatherly constable into an action hero (played by Cage) with a gun in his hand and some kicks, plus a "Commando" parental motive. The original constable's fumbling, astonishment and faint suspicion is gone (Cage's policeman is a very determined man and has no doubt about the evil committed), as is the fundamental surprise of the twist (the burning is mentioned from the very beginning ??!!). The action bees and the same annoying flashback to the police officer's traumatic experience repeated several times (what a cliché!) are just icing on the cake. La Bute, I love your debut, but this is a piece of shit! PS: I almost fell out of my chair at Cage's kick to Leelee Sobieski's face, relieved laughter, comedy... ()