
Patricia Carroll, une jeune américaine, vient en Angleterre pour se marier avec Alan Glentower, mais avant de retrouver ce dernier elle décide d’aller rendre visite à la mère de son ancien fiancé décédé, Stephen Trefoile. Madame Trefoile vit dans un château isolé et délabré avec son domestique excentrique, sa servante malveillante et son jardinier simple d'esprit. Madame Trefoile se révèle fanatique religieuse et enferme dans son château Patricia afin de la purifier… (ESC Distribution)


Critiques (2)

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Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais The weakest Hammer film I’ve ever watched. The synopsis (a domineering old hag imprisons her dead son's ex-girlfriend in the house, and through prayers and hunger strikes tries to force her to repent) is not completely futile, it’s quite original, but the director is such a buffoon. He’s absolutely incapable of giving tension to the scenes, you don't care what happens in the next minutes, the actors are more like an absurd panopticon. He can’t even build-up the ending, even though he had it all there. And most importantly, it has a horrible, horrible soundtrack, completely inappropriate to the action in the film. To exaggerate a bit, it’s as if you used Cannibal Corpse for the soundtrack of a kids show; here they use the jingle of a carousel. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais Die! Die! My Darling! is another good film, shot in the UK, and it shows that going down the path of tension and atmosphere is truly possible, and that even after fifty years, it's a film that will disturb you. The ending could perhaps have been handled better, but there are some really well-directed moments that prove to you that this is simply something that is good. ()