
Ted n’en croit pas ses yeux lorsqu’il se fait aborder par deux femmes à la fois. Ayant besoin de conseils sur ce qui lui semble s’annoncer comme un plan à trois, ce dernier appelle ses amis. (Amazon Prime Video)

Critiques (1)

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Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice (pour cette série)

anglais Surprisingly, I found myself more annoyed than pleased by this episode. The creators had a promising beginning with jokes, Barney in top form, and potential in the chosen topic, but indecisive Ted ended up ruining everything for me. If there are only two options and it's not exactly Sophie's choice, then it shouldn't take that long, right? Those twenty-two minutes seemed to take forever. / Lesson learned: Can't choose between two options? Shopping must be pure joy for you. ()