
Entre sa carrière et sa relation avec Zoey, le coeur de Ted balance. Il doit passer devant la commission qui décidera si L'Arcadian doit être classé monument historique ou pas. Le groupe décide alors d'être franc afin d'aider Ted à prendre une décision. (Amazon Prime Video)

Critiques (1)

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Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice (pour cette série)

anglais The recent episodes got kind of fixated on one thing — or one building, to be exact. I probably should be all excited about it, but you know what? Not really my vibe. The episode didn't dish out much entertainment for me. I had to sit through Ted, Zoe, and Barney putting on a show like something big was going down, followed by Marshall and the ladies just fading into the background. One star goes to Arthur's new dog, though. / Lesson learned: Try to have your own opinion. ()