
Marshall retrouve Brad, un ancien camarade d’université au chômage depuis deux ans, et le recommande à son supérieur. Mais l’entretien tourne mal, et Marshall doit gérer la crise. Pendant ce temps, Robin aide Barney à se trouver un nouveau club de strip-tease. (Amazon Prime Video)

Critiques (1)

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Necrotongue Boo !

Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice (pour cette série)

anglais The creators seamlessly continued their streak from the previous episode, offering a plot that had almost no ties to the main storyline and, honestly, zero laughs for me. I found myself wondering why they even bothered. I could only come up with one plausible explanation. It feels like even the writers themselves are no longer fond of their creation. It's like they're churning out episodes solely to make viewers disgusted with the characters. And, well, it's working on me. / Lesson learned: If you've made it this far, it might be time to call it quits. ()

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