
Une météorite s'écrase sur le musée d'histoire naturelle de Blackwater, en Louisiane, et réveille un mammouth prisonier de la glace depuis 40000 ans. L'animal, furieux, décime tout sur son passage. (Mediawan)

Critiques (2)

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Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais The American-Romanian co-production of Mammoth sounds quite suspicious, but what is sadder is that this suspicion is confirmed and the only thing audiences find here is bad humor. And even worse digital special effects. Any attempt at a story soon perishes, while the stupidly-written characters just make it even worse. No, if Mammoth had any potential, it was quickly killed. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais Yep, yep, yep! Great and entertaining shit that cheerfully runs down the lines of clichés of all sub-genres, and the final product is a fun hour-and-a-half-long trip, which (maybe) requires more than just a good perspective to watch. It would take half a page to list all the (mostly entertaining) negatives, although it must be admitted that the bad editing, which breaks the dramatic storyline, is a clear expression of the director's falsity. In the end, it will probably be much easier and less distressing for the audience to let the spirit of Ed Wood shine through thanks to digital special effects by Uwe Boll, and enjoy the whole thing... ()