
Le Muséum d’Histoire Naturelle renferme dans ses murs un secret mystérieux et stupéfiant que Larry, nouveau gardien de sécurité, ne va pas tarder à découvrir avec affolement : la nuit, toutes les expositions prennent vie ! Sous ses yeux, les soldats romains et les cow-boys miniatures se lancent dans une guerre acharnée, Attila et ses Huns commencent à piller les expositions avoisinantes, la momie tente de sortir de son sarcophage, le squelette du redoutable, mais néanmoins attachant, tyrannosaure rôde dans les couloirs... (La Pellicule Ensorcelée)


Vidéo (2)

Bande-annonce 1

Critiques (5)

Isherwood Boo !

Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais This spectacular digital farce entertains only in the sense of the two-minute trailer, which managed to concentrate the individual gags into functional humor thanks to the good editing. Given its subject matter, the feature-length version is an unbearably drawn-out series of messing with revived exhibits, with apt cameo roles by the gentlemen from the Frat Pack, in which I was only really amused by the outcast group of Hun warriors led by the ultra-cool Attila. In sum, however, the film amounts to intrusive "family entertainment" on the level of Beethoven or Shrek 3. Even my 11-year-old brother didn’t enjoy it! ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais "I have to say, when I watched the movie "Night at the Museum" for about the third time, some kind of magic came over me. The fact that the museum comes to life at night is simply beautiful, pleasant, and magical. The presence of legends like Mickey Rooney, Dick Van Dyke, and Robin Williams is just amazing on its own. Well, when you look at it all around, even Ben Stiller doesn't ruin it much." ()



Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais I felt like a little boy whose parents take him to the toy store for a good report card and he can choose a dinosaur on a key, rubber Indians, a big plush lion and a remote control car, too. And when you keep the family morality on a tolerable level, add a message like "Love museums!" and a likeable cast, it's a no-brainer. It's nothing mind-blowing, a visit to the cinema would probably be an unnecessary luxury, but it's definitely a nice relaxing way to spend an evening. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais A fun romp that certainly doesn't offend, and a perfect thing for the whole family. It's got a lovely magical atmosphere and lots of good ideas, a great score by Alan Silvestri, and the reliable Ben Stiller in the lead role – I can't think of another actor who could get slapped so hilariously by a monkey. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais A chill, relaxing movie. Some nice ideas, decent but not groundbreaking visual effects, a terrific Owen Wilson and a great score by Silvestri. Ideal evening entertainment for the family. ()

Photos (38)