Saw 3

Bande-annonce 2


Alors que la bataille fait rage autour de l'héritage terrifiant du Tueur au puzzle, un groupe de survivants s'associe et fait appel à un autre rescapé, Bobby Dagen, une sorte de gourou. En croyant trouver de l'aide, ils vont vivre le pire. Bobby cache d'effroyables secrets. Une vague de terreur sans précédent va surgir... (Metropolitan FilmExport)


Critiques (6)

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Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais The third one just recycles what we already saw in the previous one. It's good for one viewing, but otherwise it's just riding the wave of a popular property that doesn't bring anything new to the table. It's pretty boring. ()

Isherwood Boo !

Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais A monstrous screenwriting construct that brings nothing new and unnecessarily (!) dissects the previous two films. The plot, if there is such a thing here, is uncontrollable chaos, culminating in dull direction that gives us one amazing trap design after another. The result is self-serving crap, which doesn't excite (most of the tasks in the first film) or disgust you with its cruelty (the syringes in the second film) and is thus very boring or annoying, e.g., the absolutely demented behavior of most of the characters. They need to come up with an original idea or the series may soon be cut short - although, I had this feeling at the end of the second film. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais From the perspective of the plot, it is a valuable continuation, then the quality is roughly on the level of the second part. However, it was enough to reduce gratuitousness, brutality, and blood, and we could have easily reached the climax of the series. Random victim cases only disrupt the story because ideas have diminished and the desire for the most effective death of the tortured has increased. Fortunately, the main storyline is able to deviate from the previous parts and in a somewhat expected ending, it brings a point that fortunately does not only want to shock but also shows the viewer something more from the relational aspect of things. It's just a pity that the hints of open endings already smell like a dead end. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais Please, let there be no more episodes, otherwise it will something without any fun or common sense on the screen. The third episode is as bad as it can be, the actors are bad, there’s zero creativity, excessive senseless violence, nastiness, repulsiveness, perversity – everything even more nasty, repulsive, and perverse than in the previous two episodes combined. This is, of course, understandable, because otherwise there’d be nothing captivating in this embarrassing mess. The attractive premise was immediately exhausted in the (already not very good) first episode, and the subsequent episodes are purely money grabbers. And the sad thing is that they can earn quite a lot of money, while the quality is absolutely zero. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais Mixed feelings. As a disgusting showcase of human pain, it works great and the plot around the vengeful and disgraced father enriches the story and also the atmosphere. Unfortunately, the filmmakers wanted something more, and so as the minutes ticked by, they irreversibly go deeper and deeper into a scenario so overstuffed and unrealistic that I didn't even want to believe it at the end. On the one hand, I admire the desire to make this bloody series as unpredictable and convoluted as possible, but what worked in the ending of the first film is already hitting you in the eyes in the third, not only with ridiculous exaggeration and would-be effects, but mainly with directorial infantilism and a fragmented narrative structure that is as chaotic and disjointed as the script itself, while the formal rip-off of the first part seems very unconvincing at times. If it were limited only to Daddy, it would be a routine but very intense horror treat for connoisseurs, given the bold brutality, but this way it’s rather a work worthy of a slightly disgusted ironic smirk. Even a game has its limits. 45% ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais A brilliantly mastered film, where you will truly be disgusted by what you see here. The creators have definitely succeeded in this. This is what violence looks like in a form you don't want to see. This is supported by a not-so-clever, but on the other hand, highly emotive script, which nicely complements some pieces and adds more. This compilation is much bigger than it seems at first glance. ()