Grand Canyon: The Hidden Secrets

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Documentaire / Court métrage / IMAX
États-Unis, 1984, 35 min


Kieth Merrill


Bill Conti
(autres professions)


Take a journey through the 4000 year history of mankind's relationship to the Grand Canyon. Meet the earliest inhabitants of the Canyon whose lives are still shrouded in mystery. Travel with Spanish explorers as they become the first Europeans to witness the Canyon's awesome beauty and ride with the members of the Powell Expedition as they risk their lives to be the first men to travel the length of the Canyon by boat. Grand Canyon: The Hidden Secrets will take you into the rarely-visited side canyons filled with hidden waterfalls and abundant wildlife. You will see the Canyon as never before as you soar over the rim and fly through some of the most spectacular scenery on Earth. (texte officiel du distributeur)


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