The Magic Eye

  • Tchécoslovaquie Divotvorné oko
Court métrage / Art et essai / Documentaire
Tchécoslovaquie, 1939, 10 min


Jiří Lehovec


Jiří Lehovec


Václav Hanuš


Karel Beníško
(autres professions)


The Magic Eye was made during Lehovec's artistically successful period at the end of the 30's and 40's, when the director had been systematically innovating the genre of popular science film. The Magic Eye formally gets the furthest. The inquisitive camera examines what everyday objects, such as a scrub brush, falling drops, the human eye, the inside of a pocket watch, a zipper, bubbles in soda water or a record player, look like from close up. Reality changes under the in fluence of a different point of view. The Magic Eye is indisputably an homage to the media of film itself. (Marienbad Film Festival)


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