The IT Crowd - Season 2 (2007) (saison)

La Soirée gay (S02E01)

  • Grande-Bretagne The Work Outing


Le fringant Philip invite Jen au théâtre, mais lorsque Moss et Roy s'invitent à la fête, le rendez-vous prend une tournure moins galante que prévu. (Netflix)

Critiques (1)

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Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice (pour cette série)

anglais For me, it's one of the best episodes of this series. I can already picture the uproar if it were to be re-aired on the BBC. I assume it would be swiftly removed, banned, and ceremoniously set ablaze amidst the enthusiastic applause of self-proclaimed moralists, all in the name of the global trend of hypersensitivity. I found it hilarious back when my world was still okay, and it still tickles my funny bone even today. It's liberating to laugh without worrying about it being labeled as discrimination because, well, guess what? I'm disabled :-):-):-) / Lesson learned: It's weird how many members of minority groups seem to have a much better sense of humor and tolerance towards jokes aimed at them, compared to the protectors of their rights. ()