Joyeux Noël Shrek !

  • États-Unis Shrek the Halls


Shrek pensait qu’il allait enfin pouvoir s’asseoir, se détendre et profiter pleinement de sa nouvelle famille… Mais la période la plus joyeuse de toute l’année approche ! C’est la veille de Noël et chacun s’occupe des cadeaux. Shrek, lui, n’a pas la tête à ça, mais pour Fiona et les enfants, il va se laisser entraîner par l’esprit de Noël, tout ogre qu’il est. Malheureusement, d’autres semblent avoir une vision différente de Noël. C’est le cas de l’Âne, du Chat potté, de ‘Ti Biscuit et de toute la bande qui ont bien l’intention de se rassembler dans la joie. La fête en famille imaginée par Shrek prend alors une toute autre tournure. (texte officiel du distributeur)


Critiques (3)


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais Blaming Shrek the Halls for being commercial is obviously nonsense, because, for understandable reasons, not only the entire Shrek trilogy, but practically the entire production of animation studios focused on blockbuster production is commercial. The difference is rather that the original Shrek was provocative, cheeky, and cynical; it provided a well-targeted parody of traditional sweet Disney movies and simply represented something original. With Shrek the Halls, it is well-known that it relies instead on certainty and plagiarizes the entire previous series. It is saturated with traditional Christmas sentiment and represents mere routine, where there was innovation at the beginning. Overall impression: 40%. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais Better than Shrek the Third and, similarly to that, this is saved mainly by the Gingerbread Man. So much for the pluses. A short list, huh? While the list of minuses is much longer. Shrek’s “not interested, let me rest" pose presented identically for the fourth time round is actively annoying. Not to mention the pushy Donkey. I must admit that this Shrek short really does have Christmas spirit and even a couple (literally) of good gags. But the resulting movie is that much worse due to the fact that it could have got a whole lot more out of the festive theme. But even this is enough. To make it a mediocre and easily forgettable experience. ()



Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais The Ogre Christmas Special offers a reflection on the essence of the holiday season, which should be spent with family or friends, as Shrek himself must have found out. What struck me most were the Christmas stories of each character, which were as varied as the characters telling them. ()

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