
En 2056, suite à une terrible épidémie ayant entraîné des millions de morts, le manque d'organe est un fléau qui touche toute la planète. La société GeneCo apparaît comme la seule solution. Cette firme biotechnologique propose des transplantations d'organes à crédit. Ceux qui ne peuvent plus payer sont la cible des repo men, les récupérateurs, des chirurgiens-assassins à l'identité secrète qui reprennent les organes greffés... (Metropolitan FilmExport)


Critiques (2)

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Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais Bizarre creepiness, overdone to the right degree. When after Saw 4 I called for Bousman to make something else, I didn't know he would go so far off the mark. Indeed, he more or less always works with the same motifs, but he coaxes the singing performances with ease and some of them have such a strong charge that you feel like singing along with the actors. And even Paris got a role, which I could like her for similarly to the pole climb in House of Wax. My only complaint is that the film doesn't maintain its pace - many of the dips are too empty. But the whole is still very strong. This is a mandatory submission to the makers of Mamma Mia! to see what a musical fling should be. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais Hardly stylish but brisk and pleasant by the most part. If it wasn’t for those stumbles in the pace, it would be a perfect easygoing film. Some of the songs are very catchy, addictive even. Overall, it has quite some charm, but I really doubt I know anyone who would like it… 8/10 ()