
Les États-Unis sont une terre d'espoir pour des milliers d'émigrés de toutes origines. Mais l'espoir a un prix. Certains obtiendront un droit de séjour et se feront naturaliser au terme d'un long processus bureaucratique ; d'autres attendront vainement d'être régularisés dans ce pays où tout est à vendre. La prostitution, la violence et la trahison deviendront leur monnaie d'échange, leur ultime recours. Max Brogan est un agent des Services d'Immigration de Los Angeles. Sa mission : appliquer les lois américaines. Brogan a entre ses mains le sort de milliers d'hommes et de femmes en quête d'une vie meilleure. Lui et son collègue Hamid, comme l'avocate Denise Frankel et son mari Cole sont quotidiennement exposés aux problèmes de l'immigration, et s'en ressentent jusque dans leur vie privée. (Metropolitan FilmExport)


Critiques (2)

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Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais It’s certainly not perfect, but still a very successful and compelling film whose plot follows interesting stories of people of different nationalities and opinions without outright favoring any one of them. It probably won't surprise anyone that Harrison Ford, who found his best role since K-19 in the character of Max Brogan, is really great (I most liked the visit to the party of the partner's father, which was an amazingly acted scene). However, it would be a mistake to forget the very emotional storyline with the girl Taslima and (with the exception of the somewhat redundant Asian young men), and actually all the others as well. To some, it may seem that Crossing Over is too much of a stars-and-stripes agitprop... Well, given that I found most of the "foreigners" in the film more likable than most of the "native" US residents, I have a slightly different opinion. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais I have often seen comparisons with the movie Crash, but I find that misleading because Crossing Over has a different topic and treatment, and in my opinion, it is different even in terms of quality. While Crash tried to depict the issue of a multicultural society, i.e., the coexistence of different cultures and races, Crossing Over focuses on the theme of a wealthy country, into which people from various reasons try to immigrate with the desire to fulfill their work ambitions, support their families, or experience adventure. There are also many pests involved, such as smugglers, lawyers, corrupt officials, and a large number of foreign police officers. Although it is an interesting subject with high potential, the execution is learnedly referred to as midcult, i.e., a serious topic is presented in a way that can be understood by as many people as possible, and that corresponds to the polarization of characters into noble ones + victims and the evil ones, who should be punished. It also seemed too patriotic to me, the typical American patriotism with an enthusiastic view of the American flag, where immigrants arriving from around the world vow their loyalty to the new American homeland. The film is solidly cast, played, and directed, but the script is too "Hollywood" for me. Overall impression: 65%. ()

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