
Le père Gill demande à Peggy de concevoir l'affiche de la soirée dansante des jeunesses catholiques. Peggy accepte, mais elle doit composer avec le comité d'organisation. Comme Roger refuse d'embaucher quelqu'un, Harry demande à Joan de le seconder. Elle se révèle une collaboratrice douée... (Canal+)

Critiques (1)

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Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice (pour cette série)

anglais The eighth episode of the second season just reaffirmed for me that the creators of this series really know what they are doing. Sometimes, it's more about what a character doesn't say, allowing the viewer to piece things together themselves if they can. There's no spoon-feeding here; the creators don't backtrack to explain every thought process, and that's why I'm so pleased with the series. And as if that wasn't enough, the fantastic retro atmosphere elevates it even further. / Lesson learned: Only tread barefoot on shards and hot coals if you're an experienced fakir. ()