VOD (1)


SCDP va vivre un week-end de pure folie à cause des dirigeants de Chevrolet qui leur imposent des conditions impossibles et ont provoqué un accident de voiture impliquant Ken Cosgrove. L'équipe créative va être obligée de consacrer trois jours à ce dossier non-stop aidée par un médecin qui va donner un stimulant de son crû. Malade, Don va alors se remémorer un temps de son adolescence où il souffrait d'une grave bronchite. Sally se retrouve seule chez son père et va avoir affaire à une cambrioleuse. (Canal+)


Critiques (1)

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anglais I'd say the word 'weird' describes this episode quite well. Reminds me of a joke: A guy goes out onto his balcony, lights up a joint, takes a puff, and thinks to himself, 'That's odd. I'm not getting high.' Suddenly, there's a loud noise, and a fiery ball streaks across the sky. The guy jumps, and as he starts to calm down, he hears another loud roar and there goes another fiery ball. Now he's shaking, hiding behind the railing, too scared to move. Then, another roar and another fiery ball. Trembling, he stays put, and then he hears his wife's voice from inside, 'Honey, are you alright? You've been out on that balcony for three days!' That pretty much sums up this episode for me. / Lesson learned: Leave the door unlocked at night; family might pay a surprise visit. ()